Crystal Mermaids from Atlantis: TAG Masterclass July 2021,
The first few Questions are transcribed from this video.
This month in my Transformation & Ascension Group for Lightworkers, we’re talking to Gaia’s 8th dimensional crystal mermaids. They’re coming forward to talk about their lives in Atlantis and the crystals they were in charge of and also to talk about Gaia’s Gateway chakra point which is an important part of Ascension.
This is a regular portion of my Transformation and Ascension Group, but the masterclass of each month is always available on YouTube for free, since the beginning of this year— so I am glad you are here with us today.
13 Questions and Channeled Answers from Crystal Mermaids
So how this works is— we have 13 questions and the answers are coming from these crystal mermaids who are in the 8th dimension. The way they will speak to us is through me through trance channeling. I’m going to be giving the answers by letting them speak through me. It’s a full body channel or what I call trance channeling.
Today we have Yololonda— she says her name is which makes me laugh— YOLO!! She is a beautiful mermaid. All of these mermaids are really beautiful. She has dark skin and her hair is like crystal dreads. She is amazing. I love the way she looks and I am going to talk about that more because that is one of the questions.
We also have Bretennecy is the name of another mermaid; and we have a male mermaid, a merman, named Smay. I believe there will be more.

Crystal Mermaid Question #1— Where do you originate from?
Rachel: I really am excited to see where these mermaids come from before they were in Atlantis. Smay wants to talk.
Smay: We come from Hollow Earth and, yes, there is a point. A point— which is a portal, which we come through— it is in Gaia’s Gateway, which is an 8th dimensional chakra point in the body below the Earth Star Chakra. This is a point which may be opening for those lightworkers who are ready. In this point there is a portal that connects to Hollow Earth— for your Earth is full of portals and it [Earth] is much more [larger], and much more grand than you know. It is much larger than you know and it contains many more layers than you are aware of, most likely. Or perhaps you do know— but it is not common knowledge.
That is where we are from. We have been there for millenia in these bodies and so any star origin before then does not feel important because we have been in these bodies so long. So although we do have consciousness before this life we feel more a part of this life than any other because it has been our lives for so long. Time passes differently there in Hollow Earth and so it does not feel the way you might think it feels to be alive for so long. Atlantis doesn’t feel like it was that long ago for us and in fact because there is no time. It almost as if I can close my eyes and be there again and experience it again. I can go there. It is not quite time travel, but it is not something explainable in the third dimension.
Rachel: Wow, we just get right to it, huh? That was a lot! So yes, they are coming here this month to talk about Hollow Earth and Gaia’s Gateway and we had wondered if it was a portal. I was hoping to get more information on that and that was just like a lot of information at once, so that’s fantastic! Okay, I want to ask Yololonda for her perspective.
Yololonda: For Atlantis was a beautiful time. As Smay says, we can go back and forth, so it is not so long ago for us. I can go there now if I wish, but it is not wise to live too much in the past. And though there is no time, that Atlantis is gone now. And yet a new Golden Age is coming. That is what we are most excited about. We wish to help you get there. We have come this month to this Transformation and Ascension Group so that we may help connect you. Help connect your solar chakra to the sixth dimensional Earth frequencies of New Earth. Help connect you better to those beings such as us and Archangels that help with this Ascension step which is very important and so we are happy to be here.
Rachel: I asked her again, what about before you were on Earth? and she briefly showed me an image of the cosmos. Then I felt like she couldn’t tell me, or she just wasn’t going to. So I guess if they have been on Earth that long, or Hollow Earth, then that’s pretty cool. They are showing me Hollow Earth is layers under where we live and catacombs down there, which of course we have heard that before.
They are also showing me that there is a lot down there and that Earth is WAY larger than we might know about— which I have actually suspected. I asked them is it larger as if you would count the square foot of a house where you add up the different floors of the home and they say, no, it’s wider than you think. I have often wondered about that. The elves talked about that in a previous Masterclass. They said, “there is much behind the ice wall.” So that is really interesting to me.

Crystal Mermaid Question #2— Where do you exist now?
Bretennecy: We exist in the planes of Gaia. We exist in the New Earth. We exist there now. Yes, you may call it Hollow Earth, but where we are specifically is a higher dimensional space. It is a portion of Hollow Earth. It is quite different because the dimension is much higher than most who live in Hollow Earth. Yes, as if it is beyond a veil.
Rachel: I asked if this is like Avalon like it’s behind a veil. She says yes, but a little reluctantly. She says it is different. I am trying to show her what I’m thinking she is talking about but she continues to say it’s different. I’m thinking this is something that is unexplainable to the 3D mind. Let’s see what Smay says.
Smay: We are in many places at once. We are in Hollow Earth, we are in our own dimension, we are in New Earth, we are with Gaia and we are here with you. There is no time and space and there are many places where we can exist, and often we are in Atlantis once again.
Rachel: That’s not confusing, right?

Crystal Mermaid Question #3— What is your daily life like where you are now?
Smay: We transmute the energies under your space that is occupied on the planet by most humans. As I said, we are beneath and we transmute many energies to build the energy for what is coming.
Yes, we have our crystals. We are crystal mermaids because we guard the sacred crystals. These crystals were known in Atlantis and in Lemuria and we have guarded them. They hold the power of the Central Sun. They hold much power and so we must safeguard them, which is why we stay hidden. Even in Hollow Earth we are hidden. Wherever we go we are safeguarding this information and this energy.
The energies that come to us from above, we transmute. We transmute this energy and bring it together to create a strong high vibration. And when it is time, we will bring that vibration forward. It will help transform the Earth in the final stages of Ascension.
To watch the other 10 questions, see the video above! I’d love to see you in my TAG Lightworkers Group to experience this month‘s 2 Attunements, Guided Meditation and Manifestation Sigil, and so much more! Try it 3 Days free!
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