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Tag Selected : Psychic protection
Spirit Totem Animals and Spirit Animals

Spirit Totem Animals and Spirit Animals

Have you been wondering what a spirit animal guide is versus an animal totem? In this article we will be exploring the differences.
Spirit animals and animal totems are terms that are often used interchangeably but they each ..

Everything you need to know about Reiki

Everything you need to know about Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is universal life force energy (rei = of the universe and ki = life force energy). It is a healing modality that helps to reduce stress and can be used to help people heal physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Reiki Healing Everyday Uses

Reiki Healing Everyday Uses

Reiki is a healing modality of light discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th Century. Though Dr. Usui discovered this method of channeled healing, he did not invent it.

Full Guide to Understanding Psychic Implants

Full Guide to Understanding Psychic Implants

Today we’re talking all about psychic implants. We’ll cover topics like:

Are they 3D? Can you touch them or are they psychic/energy/from a different dimension?
What do psychic implants look like?
Why would you have a psychic implant and who would give one to you?
Why are they implanted?
How are psychic implants attached to a person’s energy field?
What do you do if you feel like you might have a psychic implant?
How can someone get rid of a psychic implant? Can you remove them?

Psychic implants are tiny hardware, devices, seeds, eggs, or implants in the etheric field or in your auric field.

Are psychic implants 3D? Can you see or touch them?

What are Psychic Attachments or Entities in Auras

What are Psychic Attachments or Entities in Auras

Psychic Attachment or Entities in Auras
Did you ever wonder if you might have a psychic attachment or an entity in your aura, feeding off of your energy?
Have you been guided to this article because you want to understand about entities or psychic attachments that can attach to your aura? These low-level entities can feed off your energy, depleting you, and make you feel like you are not yourself.

I see these attachments often. I used to think they weren’t real. But as a psychic healer, I have realized that they are all too real. Anyone can get them and especially Lightworkers and Empaths, because we are a bright light.

Grounding With Gnomes And Nature Fae

Grounding With Gnomes And Nature Fae

Today we are getting help from the Gnomes and Nature Fae.

This is all about grounding, calling back your energy, and other techniques that will help to keep our energy clear during this time of ascension.

You should say these five things daily:

1) I call back all of my energy from every space, form, plane, extension, world, and portal to be cleared and returned to me and my oversoul.

2) I cut all energetic cords to me from and to others in this life and all others.

3) I disconnect from the earthly 3rd-dimensional matrix, and connect deeply and firmly, grounding into the 5th-dimensional earth grid.

Claircognizance, Mediumship, & Dragons

Claircognizance, Mediumship, & Dragons

What is Claircognizance? This Clair is the psychic knowing Clair. It’s when you just know something—deep inside you—and you don’t know why you know it, but you know you do.

One common theme among people with Claircognizance is that we can always tell if someone is telling the truth or lying.

This is my strongest Clair. It was the least threatening or scary Clairs of mine when I was a child, so I never tried turning it off. I remember vividly that I always knew whether a person was home to answer the phone by the first ring with incredible accuracy. This was back in the 70s before people had answering machines!