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2024 Smoky Mountain Lightworker Retreat

2024 Smoky Mountain Lightworker Retreat

Did you know how powerful Silent Meditation in a Group of Higher Level Lightworkers is?

In the evening, Silent meditation with the group is going to Blow. Your. Mind. This energy uplevel is going to ignite the following channeling practice. I will begin with trance channeling messages and healing. Everyone can then optionally bring any gift they possess to the mix: Light Language, Trance Channeling, Impressions and feelings they are experiencing, and more. Wow, this sort of community lightwork sharing is going to be one of your favorite parts of this retreat!

Sovereign Self in Timeline Disruption Master Class with the Anshars

Sovereign Self in Timeline Disruption Master Class with the Anshars

Sovereign Self in Timeline Disruption Master Class with the Anshars. The Sovereign self and timeline disruption is really about this, this getting clear, staying clear, opening your psychic senses staying on your timeline, by not obsessing about the 3D timeline, or discussing it or feeling the horrible feelings of it in depth, reminding yourself where you are right now. And, not worrying about this future 3D timeline, which is not yours.

It’s about where we are in ascension, we’re separating, we’re getting higher, and we must adjust. We must release old programming, we need to release old dramas, and we need to release a lot of things. And that’s where we are in in all of that is how we find our sovereign self. And I believe they answered all the questions. I don’t want to make this masterclass too long, because I know that you are all very busy. However, I do want to bring Mix in one more time, because I feel like there’s something else he wants to say.

Trance Channeled Lyran Upgrade Masterclass with Beings from Lyra

Trance Channeled Lyran Upgrade Masterclass with Beings from Lyra

Trance Channeled Lyran Upgrade Masterclass by Rachel Chamness with Beings from Lyra. Who are the Lyran Beings? What do Lyran Beings Look Like? Who are they? They are beings from the constellation Lyra. Mostly what I see is that they are humanoids who have a cat-like appearance. There are few planets [in the constellation] that have all different kinds of beings. 

Tree Spirits & River Spirits: Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth, 11/2019 TAG Masterclass

Tree Spirits & River Spirits: Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth, 11/2019 TAG Masterclass

Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth

Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth
I have been wanting to release this older Masterclass from TAG for a long time. It’s so wonderful!! I hope you enjoy it. below are some notes of what they said, but nothing of what I brought forward from what they showed me. So, I encourage you to watch and listen to the Video.

This Class was very casually recorded, and never meant for youtube so I hope you enjoy the relaxed quality of how I recorded it for my TAG Community.

Ninth Dimensional Love: Lady Venus, Venusians and Intergalactic Hathors—Channeled Masterclass

Ninth Dimensional Love: Lady Venus, Venusians and Intergalactic Hathors—Channeled Masterclass

TAG Lightworkers Ninth Dimensional Love: Lady Venus, Venusians and Intergalactic Hathors—Channeled Masterclass
hese beings are coming forward to TAG Lightworkers this month to activate this ninth dimensional light within us. This is so that we can shine this light all around our physical space and into our Earth— to help it ascend, and also for physical upgrades in the body. So they are bringing this higher vibration of ascended ninth dimensional love and forgiveness.

Transformation and Ascension for Lightworkers

Transformation and Ascension for Lightworkers

Transformation and Ascension. If you are here on my page reading this article about Transformation and Ascension—whether you know it or not— You are a Lightworker! What is a Lightworker? A Lightworker is someone who is helping the planet and other people raise their vibration and consciousness and who supports a peaceful, loving and compassionate planet and way of living.

Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass

Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass

This month, we are talking to the Blue Avians. The Blue Avians are talking to us about the 6th Dimensional Light Grid they’ve put around the planet to help us. This will help us by giving us a huge kickback of light that will help us connect with each other. Free Preview..