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Tag Selected : orion
What Is A Starseed? How Do You Know if You Are a Starseed?

What Is A Starseed? How Do You Know if You Are a Starseed?

Lots of starseeds also feel like they just don’t fit in with other human beings.  They may be less talkative and more introspective than others, or they may just not connect with others unless it is at a deeper, rather than superficial, level.  Often they might be more introverted, intuitive, or possess psychic gifts, such as fully opened clairs— the main ones being clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairaudience.  What many people don’t understand is that everyone is born with these abilities, but they are either forgotten— or not allowed to develop— due to society’s prevailing viewpoint that they are abnormal… or even completely false.

Prince Brings a Message of Ascension

Prince Brings a Message of Ascension

Today I will be bringing in Prince- the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. He tells me he hails from the constellation in Orion and he has much to say about Ascension!

Prince also gives a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channel, but you will have to watch the video for that healing. It is for Connection to Ascension.

Orion and Mintakan Star Beings Masterclass and Channeled Messages

Orion and Mintakan Star Beings Masterclass and Channeled Messages

This month in my TAG VIP Membership group, we are working with several Beings from Orion and Mintakan, including:

😇 Archangel Orion
👽 Brethia, Orion Star/Galactic Council
🌌 The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, Orion Starseed and former human Superstar
🐬 Selena, Mintakan Dolphin

I shared the entire masterclass on my YouTube Channel. You can watch the whole video…

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 3 – Solomon, the White Dragon from Orion

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 3 – Solomon, the White Dragon from Orion

Welcome to Day 3 of my Intergalactic Channeling Spree! The Galactic Beings I am channeling are here to help us with Ascension, especially after the energies have gotten a little crazy because of the recent 12/12 Portal. We’re being prepared to release heavy burdens so that we can vibrate higher.

Here’s Solomon’s message for us:

Hello, I am Solomon from Orion
I watch over you.
We have come to help you,
many of us.
We have been to earth before..

Intergalactic Channeling Spree!

Intergalactic Channeling Spree!

When you channel like I do, you never know who is going to come knocking on your psychic door with a message for humanity!

This month I got the urge—or the nudge, really—to do 5 days of channeling Intergalactic Entities!

What is an Intergalactic Spirit or Entity?

As you know, we humans only inhabit a small dot in the entire Universe (a.k.a. the Earth), and our 3D senses can’t pick up on the 5D Spirits unless we’ve trained ourselves to be open to them.