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Healing with Solfeggio Frequencies

Healing with Solfeggio Frequencies

I really love to use Solfeggio Frequencies for Sound Healing. I have a great set of solfeggio tuning forks that I use regularly, in client sessions and in many practices of my sound healing. In this article, I’d like to teach you a bit about how Solfeggio Frequencies work for healing the body.
In the video above, you can watch as I give a short overview on how to become a Sound Healer very simply with instruments. I also explain how to use tuning forks in general. I’d like to expand on this about sound healing in general and the remarkable healing power of Solfeggio Frequencies.

Everything you need to know about Reiki

Everything you need to know about Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is universal life force energy (rei = of the universe and ki = life force energy). It is a healing modality that helps to reduce stress and can be used to help people heal physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Reiki Healing Everyday Uses

Reiki Healing Everyday Uses

Reiki is a healing modality of light discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th Century. Though Dr. Usui discovered this method of channeled healing, he did not invent it.

4D and 5D Chakras, Plus A Channeled Message From Andromedan Being, Mombai

4D and 5D Chakras, Plus A Channeled Message From Andromedan Being, Mombai

4D and 5D Chakras, Plus A Channeled Message From Andromedan Being, Mombai

Do you know about our 4th and 5th-Dimensional Chakras? You likely know the 3rd Dimension Chakras: the Crown Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, the Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexis Chakras, the Sacral Chakra and the Root Chakra.

But our 5th Dimensional Chakras will open up for us as we get close to Ascension.

The 4th Dimension