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Tag Selected : channeled sound healing
Hoshki Black Panther Channeled Ascension Message and Sound Healing

Hoshki Black Panther Channeled Ascension Message and Sound Healing

This month in my Transformation & Ascension VIP Group— Tor TAG as we call it, we are working with Animal Totems and Spirit Animals. Today, I would like to bring forward a black panther spirit animal named Hoshki. Hoshki has a message and sound healing for you that I channel in the video toward the end of the blogpost.

I am Hoshki, I bring to you a great message of joy. There is much change coming to your world and it is much good. Though everywhere you look you may not see good, but you see turmoil, you see fear..

Prince Brings a Message of Ascension

Prince Brings a Message of Ascension

Today I will be bringing in Prince- the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. He tells me he hails from the constellation in Orion and he has much to say about Ascension!

Prince also gives a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channel, but you will have to watch the video for that healing. It is for Connection to Ascension.

A Cat Healing for You and Your Cat From Bastet

A Cat Healing for You and Your Cat From Bastet

This cat healing & blessing is for you and your cat. I channeled it from Bastet, the Egyptian Goddess. I asked her to give a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing to the collective, and this is what she wanted to bring through.

Bastet was an Egyptian Goddess depicted with a cat head. She was associated with the Eye of Ra, and depicted in several ways involving felines. As you know, cats were highly revered in Egyptian Times. Whether your cat is here or on the other side, this healing is for you…

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 3 – Solomon, the White Dragon from Orion

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 3 – Solomon, the White Dragon from Orion

Welcome to Day 3 of my Intergalactic Channeling Spree! The Galactic Beings I am channeling are here to help us with Ascension, especially after the energies have gotten a little crazy because of the recent 12/12 Portal. We’re being prepared to release heavy burdens so that we can vibrate higher.

Here’s Solomon’s message for us:

Hello, I am Solomon from Orion
I watch over you.
We have come to help you,
many of us.
We have been to earth before..