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Tag Selected : mediumship
Sovereign Self in Timeline Disruption Master Class with the Anshars

Sovereign Self in Timeline Disruption Master Class with the Anshars

Sovereign Self in Timeline Disruption Master Class with the Anshars. The Sovereign self and timeline disruption is really about this, this getting clear, staying clear, opening your psychic senses staying on your timeline, by not obsessing about the 3D timeline, or discussing it or feeling the horrible feelings of it in depth, reminding yourself where you are right now. And, not worrying about this future 3D timeline, which is not yours.

It’s about where we are in ascension, we’re separating, we’re getting higher, and we must adjust. We must release old programming, we need to release old dramas, and we need to release a lot of things. And that’s where we are in in all of that is how we find our sovereign self. And I believe they answered all the questions. I don’t want to make this masterclass too long, because I know that you are all very busy. However, I do want to bring Mix in one more time, because I feel like there’s something else he wants to say.

TAG December: Web of Light with Gaia & Earth Goddesses: Starseed Mission

TAG December: Web of Light with Gaia & Earth Goddesses: Starseed Mission

This month is about balancing the Ascension energies because there is a huge amount of energy coming through this month with so many portals open and this is just the time. These Goddesses explain the Web of Light.

There are a lot of changes in the air with Ascension and we need to balance these energies because they are largely masculine in nature. That is because these energies are coming through for change and to really shift us and so a little balance with feminine energy is also helpful.

They have also come to help us with connecting to the ascension web of light in general, and understanding our starseed mission. Because we have all come here with a mission— and we really need to make the way for understanding of that—which is to that we need to vibrate a little higher, so we can get the information that we need.

Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channeled from Gaia to balance energy to receive information

Is it Time to Upgrade your Spirit Guides?

Is it Time to Upgrade your Spirit Guides?

Upgrade your Spirit Guides?
Is it time to upgrade your Spirit Guides— or maybe one or two, so that you can have the highest version of your greatest life helpers? Did you know this can be done? Let’s talk about it a bit, and I’ll show you how to upgrade your beloved Spirit Guides for your best experience in this Earthly Life.

What Is A Spirit Guide?
As spiritual beings living a human experience, we have many high vibrational beings who help us as Spirit Guides when we choose to incarnate in this lifetime. There are Galactical Helpers, Angelic Beings, Elementals, and many more who watch over us during our lives. They help us out in certain situations in order to further our learning process— and guide us in the life lessons we set out to learn during our spiritual journey toward Ascension.

Why you Should Channel your Spirit Team

Why you Should Channel your Spirit Team

Knowing your Spirit Team helps guide you to your best life. Everyone is born with a team of spirit guides. Anyone can access their own personal guides and spirit team at any time.  How? Just by knowing that you can (your welcome!) and learning the best way to communicate with your spirit team.

Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?

Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?

Can Fluoride Block Intuition & the Third Eye?
There can be a lot of controversy surrounding the subject of fluoride, but it is my personal belief that fluoride is dangerous and can negatively affect your health and the connection you have with your intuition and higher self.  In this article, I help you have another perspective on the subject, that can ultimately lead you to having a stronger connection with your intuition and spirit team.

What is a Psychic Medium?

What is a Psychic Medium?

A Psychic Medium is someone who can use their clair or psychic senses, also known as ESP, to pick up messages from different entities. These entities include angels, elementals like unicorns and fairies, spirit guides, and even loved ones who have passed on. Psychic Mediums can also talk to pets and nature spirits, like trees and plants.

A Channeled Message from Kari, a Lemurian “Keeper of the Faith”

A Channeled Message from Kari, a Lemurian “Keeper of the Faith”

This video contains a channeled message from Kari, a Lemurian “Keeper of the Faith”.

“For we keep records of those who have come and the history of our stars and our systems, the knowledge of faith. That is all of the knowledge brought to you in a way that requires your faith. For faith and knowledge come together.

It is true.

The reason I am called Keeper Of The Faith, and not ‘Keeper Of The Knowledge’ is that I…