Sound Waves Heal Tags

Tag Selected : Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry: What is it? How can you use it for Healing?

Sacred Geometry: What is it? How can you use it for Healing?

The language codes that form the foundation of sacred geometry help me connect to the universal source of power – and I find that the more I incorporate the symbols and patterns of sacred geometry, which I see when I use Light Language, the more that power increases.

And that is what sacred geometry is truly all about – it is living proof that within each of us we have all the power and light we need to live happy and powerful lives, connected to the source of creation itself. And I want to help you to see your power and connect to it!

What is Light Language?

What is Light Language?

Light Language is an alternative energetic healing modality that comes though in a variety of different ways, from symbols to language to tapping or drumming, and dancing. Light Language…

Sacred Geometry and Egyptian Goddesses Masterclass

Sacred Geometry and Egyptian Goddesses Masterclass

This month’s Masterclass for my TAG VIP group focuses on Sacred Geometry and the Egyptian goddesses, Isis, Ma’at, and Bastet.

Every month, I ask the group of beings I am working with 13 questions and then I trance channel the answers from those beings—like the Egyptian goddesses this month—and also from any other entities who want to add to the answers.