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Tag Selected : psychic medium
Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?

Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?

Can Fluoride Block Intuition & the Third Eye?
There can be a lot of controversy surrounding the subject of fluoride, but it is my personal belief that fluoride is dangerous and can negatively affect your health and the connection you have with your intuition and higher self.  In this article, I help you have another perspective on the subject, that can ultimately lead you to having a stronger connection with your intuition and spirit team.

What is a Psychic Medium?

What is a Psychic Medium?

A Psychic Medium is someone who can use their clair or psychic senses, also known as ESP, to pick up messages from different entities. These entities include angels, elementals like unicorns and fairies, spirit guides, and even loved ones who have passed on. Psychic Mediums can also talk to pets and nature spirits, like trees and plants.