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Tag Selected : Channel Medium
Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?

Can Fluoride Block Psychic Senses and Intuition?

Can Fluoride Block Intuition & the Third Eye?
There can be a lot of controversy surrounding the subject of fluoride, but it is my personal belief that fluoride is dangerous and can negatively affect your health and the connection you have with your intuition and higher self.  In this article, I help you have another perspective on the subject, that can ultimately lead you to having a stronger connection with your intuition and spirit team.

Hoshki Black Panther Channeled Ascension Message and Sound Healing

Hoshki Black Panther Channeled Ascension Message and Sound Healing

This month in my Transformation & Ascension VIP Group— Tor TAG as we call it, we are working with Animal Totems and Spirit Animals. Today, I would like to bring forward a black panther spirit animal named Hoshki. Hoshki has a message and sound healing for you that I channel in the video toward the end of the blogpost.

I am Hoshki, I bring to you a great message of joy. There is much change coming to your world and it is much good. Though everywhere you look you may not see good, but you see turmoil, you see fear..

What is a Psychic Medium?

What is a Psychic Medium?

A Psychic Medium is someone who can use their clair or psychic senses, also known as ESP, to pick up messages from different entities. These entities include angels, elementals like unicorns and fairies, spirit guides, and even loved ones who have passed on. Psychic Mediums can also talk to pets and nature spirits, like trees and plants.

Full Guide to Understanding Psychic Implants

Full Guide to Understanding Psychic Implants

Today we’re talking all about psychic implants. We’ll cover topics like:

Are they 3D? Can you touch them or are they psychic/energy/from a different dimension?
What do psychic implants look like?
Why would you have a psychic implant and who would give one to you?
Why are they implanted?
How are psychic implants attached to a person’s energy field?
What do you do if you feel like you might have a psychic implant?
How can someone get rid of a psychic implant? Can you remove them?

Psychic implants are tiny hardware, devices, seeds, eggs, or implants in the etheric field or in your auric field.

Are psychic implants 3D? Can you see or touch them?

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are You Ready To Learn Trance Channel Mediumship?

Are you Ready to be a Channel Medium?
One of the most frequent questions I get when people are interested in taking the Trance Channel Mediumship class is, “Am I ready to learn Trance Channel Mediumship?”.

If you know that you are ready for channeling and trance channeling, you can find the next sign up here!

But if you are not sure if you are ready for trance channeling yet, read on (or watch the video) …

Basically, if you are called to take the class and if you get information when you do guided meditations -like being able to interact with beings in any way to receive messages, then you are ready to take the class! That is it!