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Tag Selected : Water elementals
Diamond Light Masterclass with Archangel Gabriel, Yemaya, and Water Elementals, TAG 7/2022

Diamond Light Masterclass with Archangel Gabriel, Yemaya, and Water Elementals, TAG 7/2022

The importance of the Diamond Light— it is core to the ascension of this Earth. It is an ascension light, and it is part of the ascension grid itself. It is the energy which is needed for ascension. For that is why you see it so strongly at this time. That is because it is needed. All must be bathed in the Diamond Light and brought up to its frequency. The frequency of the Diamond Light holds the fifth dimensional frequency of the planet, and when all is heavily attuned to the Diamond Light, it can be ascended. If we could take every person and object in this realm and bring it to this frequency of Diamond Light, then we would be done with ascension here on this planet.

Tree Spirits & River Spirits: Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth, 11/2019 TAG Masterclass

Tree Spirits & River Spirits: Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth, 11/2019 TAG Masterclass

Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth

Grounding Galactical Energy to Earth
I have been wanting to release this older Masterclass from TAG for a long time. It’s so wonderful!! I hope you enjoy it. below are some notes of what they said, but nothing of what I brought forward from what they showed me. So, I encourage you to watch and listen to the Video.

This Class was very casually recorded, and never meant for youtube so I hope you enjoy the relaxed quality of how I recorded it for my TAG Community.

Gaia’s 8D Crystal Mermaids from Atlantis

Gaia’s 8D Crystal Mermaids from Atlantis

This month in my Transformation & Ascension Group for Lightworkers, we’re talking to Gaia’s 8th dimensional crystal mermaids. They’re coming forward to talk about their lives in Atlantis and the crystals they were in charge of and also to talk about Gaia’s Gateway chakra point which is an important part of Ascension.

This is a regular portion of my Transformation and Ascension Group, but the masterclass of each month is always available on YouTube for free, since the beginning of this year— so I am glad you are here with us today.