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Tag Selected : Liquid Reiki Sound Healing
TAG December: Web of Light with Gaia & Earth Goddesses: Starseed Mission

TAG December: Web of Light with Gaia & Earth Goddesses: Starseed Mission

This month is about balancing the Ascension energies because there is a huge amount of energy coming through this month with so many portals open and this is just the time. These Goddesses explain the Web of Light.

There are a lot of changes in the air with Ascension and we need to balance these energies because they are largely masculine in nature. That is because these energies are coming through for change and to really shift us and so a little balance with feminine energy is also helpful.

They have also come to help us with connecting to the ascension web of light in general, and understanding our starseed mission. Because we have all come here with a mission— and we really need to make the way for understanding of that—which is to that we need to vibrate a little higher, so we can get the information that we need.

Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channeled from Gaia to balance energy to receive information

Healing with Solfeggio Frequencies

Healing with Solfeggio Frequencies

I really love to use Solfeggio Frequencies for Sound Healing. I have a great set of solfeggio tuning forks that I use regularly, in client sessions and in many practices of my sound healing. In this article, I’d like to teach you a bit about how Solfeggio Frequencies work for healing the body.
In the video above, you can watch as I give a short overview on how to become a Sound Healer very simply with instruments. I also explain how to use tuning forks in general. I’d like to expand on this about sound healing in general and the remarkable healing power of Solfeggio Frequencies.

Channeling Spirit Guides

Channeling Spirit Guides

Learning to channel messages from your Spirit Guides can be a great tool for everything from helping make decisions in your own life to protecting your energy (both psychic and physical), finding more joy in life, and exploring your psychic gifts.

Prince Brings a Message of Ascension

Prince Brings a Message of Ascension

Today I will be bringing in Prince- the Artist Formerly Known as Prince. He tells me he hails from the constellation in Orion and he has much to say about Ascension!

Prince also gives a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing channel, but you will have to watch the video for that healing. It is for Connection to Ascension.

A Cat Healing for You and Your Cat From Bastet

A Cat Healing for You and Your Cat From Bastet

This cat healing & blessing is for you and your cat. I channeled it from Bastet, the Egyptian Goddess. I asked her to give a Liquid Reiki Sound Healing to the collective, and this is what she wanted to bring through.

Bastet was an Egyptian Goddess depicted with a cat head. She was associated with the Eye of Ra, and depicted in several ways involving felines. As you know, cats were highly revered in Egyptian Times. Whether your cat is here or on the other side, this healing is for you…