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Tag Selected : abundance
No Reward Without Risk

No Reward Without Risk

No Reward Without Risk

When you chose this life on Earth as your Higher Self, you don’t usually choose an easy path. No, you choose a hard one—one that requires risk, trust in the unknown, and more. We chose drama, high stakes, big things!

So, when it comes to your Life Purpose, or what I call the Light Path, we must make some hard choices and big risks!

Here’s a good exercise that will make this idea clear: think about a time when something great happened to you. Now trace it back to how it happened… and you will likely come across a hard time in your life when you had to make some hard decisions or you faced some pretty tough times.

Is Your Original Wound Blocking Your Abundance?

Is Your Original Wound Blocking Your Abundance?

Would you like to be able to attract more financial abundance in your life? Are you worried that your Original Wounds (OW) will have an effect on your ability to manifest abundance? The more I do spiritual work, the more obvious connections between the spiritual path, abundance, and our latent wounds become to me. 🌞I’ve decided to start posting more about myself so you can get to know me better! I realize I don’t do that enough outside my Transformation and Ascension Group (TAG)-VIP Group.

Supercharge your Affirmations with Switchwords

Supercharge your Affirmations with Switchwords

What are Switchwords? Is that little negative voice in your head CANCELING your affirmations? I wanted to reach out to you today, in my newest Living Your Best Life Blogpost to give you an easier way to manifest your desires.

Affirmations… if you have been on a journey for self-improvement, you have probably heard of affirmations. For instance, looking in the mirror and saying a positive manifestation for your life… or using “The Secret”.. you have heard of this, but perhaps just saying affirmations until your brain believed you has worn you out! Perhaps you couldn’t figure out why it did not work…