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Tag Selected : Masterclass
Gaia’s 8D Crystal Mermaids from Atlantis

Gaia’s 8D Crystal Mermaids from Atlantis

This month in my Transformation & Ascension Group for Lightworkers, we’re talking to Gaia’s 8th dimensional crystal mermaids. They’re coming forward to talk about their lives in Atlantis and the crystals they were in charge of and also to talk about Gaia’s Gateway chakra point which is an important part of Ascension.

This is a regular portion of my Transformation and Ascension Group, but the masterclass of each month is always available on YouTube for free, since the beginning of this year— so I am glad you are here with us today.

Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass

Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass

This month, we are talking to the Blue Avians. The Blue Avians are talking to us about the 6th Dimensional Light Grid they’ve put around the planet to help us. This will help us by giving us a huge kickback of light that will help us connect with each other. Free Preview..

Are Animals MultiDimensional Helpers? Animal Spirit Guides Masterclass

Are Animals MultiDimensional Helpers? Animal Spirit Guides Masterclass

This month in my TAG VIP Membership program, we are working with Animal Spirit Guides & Animal Totems who are helping us with ascension.

Every month starts with a masterclass, where I ask the group of beings 13 different questions related to who they are, where they come from, and how they help us (humans) with the ascension process. This time I switched up the Questions and added a few, since Animal Spirit Guides are quite a different group of beings than we are used to working with, in TAG!

I have to say that the Animal Spirit Guides and Animal Totem Guides were such an exciting group of beings to work with. I was THRILLED to channel a message from a Tyrannosaurus rex Animal Spirit Guide…

Polaris Light Beings and Arctic Elementals

Polaris Light Beings and Arctic Elementals

This Masterclass is a preview of my monthly Group TAG, April 2021 is Polaris Light Beings & Arctic Elementals.

The North Star Polaris has Light Beings and our Arctic Animals are Elemental Beings who hail from the same area… would you like to learn more?

This Masterclass video for TAG has lots of answers and new information for you! This month, Meg from our TAG Team and from Soul Space with Meg, is trance channeling this information for you!

Polaris Light Beings channeled in this Masterclass:

Polar Bear named Nakti, Narwhal “Nahla”, Arctic mermaid “Finley” plus two Light Beings from Polaris named Dolar and JoJosolaris, and an Arctic Snow Owl. The Arctic Elementals are also high vibrational beings from Polaris… well, in a way. You’ll find out, as you read more.

Sacred Geometry and Egyptian Goddesses Masterclass

Sacred Geometry and Egyptian Goddesses Masterclass

This month’s Masterclass for my TAG VIP group focuses on Sacred Geometry and the Egyptian goddesses, Isis, Ma’at, and Bastet.

Every month, I ask the group of beings I am working with 13 questions and then I trance channel the answers from those beings—like the Egyptian goddesses this month—and also from any other entities who want to add to the answers.