Selkies and Dolphins come forward to be trance channeled by Rachel Chamness at Sound Waves Heal
About the Author
Shamanic Channel & Mentor, Liquid Reiki Sound Healing Channel
What Is A Starseed? How Do You Know if You Are a Starseed?
Lots of starseeds also feel like they just don’t fit in with other human beings. They may be less talkative and more introspective than others, or they may just not connect with others unless it is at a deeper, rather than superficial, level. Often they might be more introverted, intuitive, or possess psychic gifts, such as fully opened clairs— the main ones being clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairaudience. What many people don’t understand is that everyone is born with these abilities, but they are either forgotten— or not allowed to develop— due to society’s prevailing viewpoint that they are abnormal… or even completely false.
TAG Lightworkers Crystal Devas and Crystal Skulls – Channeled Masterclass
TAG Lightworkers Crystal Devas and Crystal Skulls – Channeled Masterclass
Rachel Chamness: Today I’ll be bringing through a trance channeling for Crystal Devas and Crystal Skulls and their connection to Lemuria in today’s masterclass, which is for April 2022 in our transformation and ascension group community for Lightworkers.
Crystal Devas and Crystal Skulls
I’m so glad that you’re here. I’m really excited to bring through Crystal Devas and Crystal Skulls and their Lemuria connection.
… We want to help you with any kinds of crystal grids you would like to make for any intention that you are making, if you know how to make crystal grids. It’s very easy to learn if you don’t know. We can help you use this grid, connect it to the manifestation highway, and help you bring this seventh dimensional light and energy in so you will be connected to the highway in more than one way.
Is it Time to Upgrade your Spirit Guides?
Upgrade your Spirit Guides?
Is it time to upgrade your Spirit Guides— or maybe one or two, so that you can have the highest version of your greatest life helpers? Did you know this can be done? Let’s talk about it a bit, and I’ll show you how to upgrade your beloved Spirit Guides for your best experience in this Earthly Life.
What Is A Spirit Guide?
As spiritual beings living a human experience, we have many high vibrational beings who help us as Spirit Guides when we choose to incarnate in this lifetime. There are Galactical Helpers, Angelic Beings, Elementals, and many more who watch over us during our lives. They help us out in certain situations in order to further our learning process— and guide us in the life lessons we set out to learn during our spiritual journey toward Ascension.