Accelerated Channeling Mastery
Higher Dimensional
Healing & Guidance

Is it time for you to step into higher dimensional healing by learning to confidently Channel Healing & Guidance from Beings of the Light?
Are you truly ready to enhance your gifts to a level of master professionalism?
Your ability to channel will dramatically enhance during this program, making you an advanced and master-level channel of high-dimensional light and messages.

Accelerated Channeling Mastery
Program Offers:
✨ Weekly live 2-hour interactive classes in a small group, guiding you through channeling safely for 22 weeks.
✨ Voxer App Pocket Coaching and Internship for 6 months following.
✨ Advanced Protection techniques, and higher dimensional awareness.
✨ 7 Included video programs that will expand, enhance, and deepen your psychic clairs, then bring you to full confidence in using them.
✨Guidance through trance channeling Spirit Guides, a Dimensional Guide, the Higher Self, and all manner of Beings of Light in all ways, especially channeling healing and light codes from higher realms.
✨Igniting your psychic clairs and bringing them to a level that helps you become a compassionate guide and psychic healer.
✨Upleveling vibrational alignments, Clearing blocks and fears, Attunements, and more included.
✨ Mentorship and Feedback, helpful Guidance & Coaching from Shamanic Channel Rachel Chamness.
✨ A Private Group to continue to refine your channeling, even after class.
✨ An Opportunity to uplevel your techniques in a Group where you can sell your Sessions, as an internship.
✨ Learning to discern what is true and what is not. What is channeled from the light and what is not!
✨ Practice trance channeling healing and messages from Angels, Elementals, Deities, Ascended Masters, Galactics, your Higher Self, Dimensional Guides, and more… over 20 beings in class alone.

This Live Course & Extended Program helps people who are feeling called to
connect and give channeled healing and messages from Spirit as a Channel.
Are you a dedicated and goal-oriented healer or lightworker who wants to rapidly expand into shamanic and multidimensional realms for channeling healing and messages?
Do you just know you were meant to work as Lightworker – you know that
healing and bringing through messages is just what you should be
doing… But not sure where to start?
I know how it feels to want to confidently bring through impactful and insightful healing and messages for people, but not sure exactly how to do it with confidence. That was me several years ago.
Imagine if you could channel messages and healing to help guide others all while building your business — knowing you are secure in your gifts, confidently discern what is real and of the light, and what is not. This is your chance to learn and create a solid practice just like mine.
In these dedicated weeks with me, live on zoom with a small class, you will learn to channel organically, full body healing and messages with energetic protection, knowledge, and confidence while expanding your gifts in this exclusive psychic development program.
Afterwards, the program continues with getting you set up to sell your new offer and a safe place to exercise your skills and build your business with access to continued guidance and coaching with Voxer app.—Rachel C.

Here is how it works. You have come to this Earth with many Spirit
Guides & Helpful Beings who are always guiding you with purposeful connection.
In each class, I will use my gifts
to help you to channel your Guides safely with my custom and proven
techniques, all within a small intimate group. In these classes, you will
learn different ways to channel for yourself and others.
Then I will guide you to bring in all kinds of beings, any beings of the light
you are feeling called to bring forth to share their high dimensional healing.
You will be the channel of this multidimensional and shamanic healing,
you will feel confident to share your gifts with the world as you were meant to!

✨ First I will clear, ground, and activate your connection to your Spirit Guides and Ascension Helpers so you can connect with them on a soul level.
✨ Then, in a guided meditation, you will meet and receive supporting Light Codes and healing to bring forth a way for you to channel in the way that is exactly the method your soul needs. It might not be the same as others but what you need!
✨ Through guidance and active practice, you will learn the techniques I use to bring forth these guides in channeling, healing, trance or full body channeling, written messages, and symbols, for yourself and others.
✨ This Live Program includes 8 whole programs of psychic clair opening and attunements using Rachel’s Custom Liquid Reiki Sound Healing.
✨ With 44 Hours of in-program practice, activation & attunement supplementation, group support, private coaching, and opportunities to grow your craft with internship, you will be supported every step of the way.
At last, you’ll be deeply connected to supportive Beings of Light who
will help you bring messages and healing
forward and guidance
for yourself and others!
Are you ready to deliver compassionate messages without doubt?
Are you ready to boldly show up as a powerful and Master Spiritual Entrepreneur who channels healing and messages from higher realms?
With this Accelerated Channeling Mastery Program you will be confidently
channeling all types of Light Beings for true guidance and healing!

Be able to speak to your Spirit Guides, your Partner Guide, and any Being of Light any time to get clear answers to your everyday problems with family, work, growing your business, expanding your social life, learning who to trust, who to learn from, and more. All For your Highest and Best Good.

Easily channel healing from higher planes, while bringing guidance and messages to help others on their healing and enlightenment paths! Be prepared and spiritually protected for all the shifts that come with this work!

The added bonus of the psychic video library will allow you to enhance and understand your Psychic Senses. The more you understand your gifts, the more you can bring forth in your healing, and enhance what you offer clients.
Are you Ready?
Let’s chat and see if you qualify for this life-changing program by applying for registration or sending me a Private Message.Â
This program includes:

Live once-a-week Sessions for 22 Weeks that Certify you as a Master Trance Channel and Liquid Reiki Healer.

8 Psychic video programs included in live program will:
•  Open and enhance each clair in many ways, connect to your guides further, bring confidence and ability, and bring you to a master level of channeling and protection.
•  Ignite and enhance your Psychic Clairs to include healing with Psychic Reiki Healing and Advanced Light Language so that you can step into your full power as a channel!
• Meet, know, be connected to and Trance Channel all your closest guides, and more.. at least 20 Beingsof Light!Â

Live program and replays, extra practice and feedback, helpful Guidance live with Rachel Chamness. Pre-Program starts immediately on sign-up.
Continued 6 month Support following the 22 Weeks with private business coaching and an internship to further your confidence and gifts.

A supportive and inspiring Practice Group to continue to practice your channeling and light language, even after class.
A supportive membership program to help you get weekly clearings and messages with access to 65+ more programs.Â

Learning to discern what is true and what is not! What is light and what is not! Learning to TRUST your channeling. Learning protection at every level.
I’d love to have a human conversation with you and find out if this program and investment is right for you.
Let’s discuss if you qualify by Sending me a message, or filling out an application so we can talk!
If you need a slower path /smaller budget, I also have that available! Fill out application and I ‘ll get back to you.
This Program contains Certification* and Training in Level 1 to 3 Trance Channeling, Light Language Attunement, Advanced Light Language Sigils & Numbers, Psychic Reiki Healing techniques, extensive practice, and personal healings to break through blocks. This ensures your ability to heal with and in higher dimensions with confidence in 22 weeks. Learn to work with Beings of the light for healing and guidance.
*You can see all Certifications under Level 3 section below
Pre-Program starts NOW for the next Program Session- begin the application process now to ensure your position ahead of the line when registration opens for the next program!
 Higher Dimensional Healing & Guidance
Accelerated Channeling Mastery
Level 1 -3 are now taught together and completely live, with included 2 live Light Language attunement courses in Accelerated Channeling Mastery, and more.

Light Language Attunement+ Trance Channeling Mediumship, Level 1.
Meet your Closest Spirit Guides and bring through their Messages & Healing with 6 Ways to Channel including Trance Channeling
Learn to safely channel your own Spirit Guides with protective techniques and loving personal guidance and practice in a live class with a small group. Meet and channel your 6 closest Spirit Guides in six different ways including Trance Channeling and Psychic Healing.
Bring through 6 Inner Band Spirit Guides, as well as a Dimensional Guide at this level.
Be FULLY attuned to Light Language in 6 ways, with instructions to attune others.
You will receive a pre-session program to help open your clairs more and begin this insightful journey to psychic mediumship and a beautiful relationship with your core helpers in this life.
This class is offered now in Accelerated Advanced Channeling with Level 2 & 3, below. 2 levels of Light Language Attunement & Course Included, live. Psychic Reiki 2 Refresher Course & instruction included.
Qualification for ACM is needed, please fill out an application.
If you’d like to take Trance Channeling level 1 by itself, there is a 6-month course with 2 classes a month for each spirit guide, built into a level of TAG Lightworkers membership, here.

Channeling All Beings: Galactic, Elementals, Angelic, and your Client’s Guides.
In this advanced class, you will learn to safely trance helpful beings who are not necessarily your Guides. You will learn to trance an Angel, Galactical Being, Elemental, Dragon, and a Sound Healing Guide and learn to trance your Client’s Guide.
These channels in class will help open and strengthen your psychic senses to specifically help with Mediumship and relaying messages in a compassionate way.
Learn to reach out with your mind to bring to you a being who has the answer for the questions you seek, and to bring forth powerful channeled healing from Light Beings. Learn to Channel any Being of Light.
Includes a second Program of upleveling Clairs to a higher level. Includes some Psychic Reiki Healing 2 Concepts.
We can schedule a call once you fill out an application.

Mastering the Call of the Healer and Oracle, and Liquid Reiki Sound Healing
Are you ready to call yourself a Master Channel?
- Become a Channel for powerful high vibrational beings of light and learn to call them in at will.
- Trance your Higher Self for self-divination and guidance.
- Learn several layers of the extra protection needed at this level.
- Learn safe ways to communicate with all kinds of beings, including neutral beings.
- Lots of extra practice for Deep Integration.
- Opportunity to learn how to hold space for larger groups.
- Connect deeply with your Partner Guides who wish for you to Trance them often.
- Learn to make Light Language Sigils and enhance Light Language with Numbers.
- Learn Advanced healing techniques from Psychic Reiki Healing, level 2.
- Earn a certification in Liquid Reiki Sound Healing as well!
- After Program Internship to further your business with Rachel’s guidance and a full program of business information to help you confidently start your business.
- After Program Coaching: 3 Months of coaching via the Voxer App to set you up to fully shine your light with a perfect session offer, and practice selling it live. Plus other business tips freely given.
Certifications Given: Master Dimensional Channel, Master Trance Channel Mediumship, Advanced Light Language Practitioner, Liquid Reiki Sound Healing, Psychic Reiki Healing, Level 2.
Includes a third Program of upleveling Clairs to a higher level. Included in Accelerated Mediumship Program.Â
Fill out the application and we will be in touch for a conversation.

Channeling the Dead & Completed Training for Mediumship Expertise, Shamanic Initiation, Shamanic Channeling & Practice.
In this addendum program, you become initiated into shamanism, and practice channeling in higher Shamanic Realms.
You will also learn how to get messages from all types of human souls, including Historical Figures. Learn to bring forth the client’s past loved ones, and passed human spirits.
Learn how to turn this high psychic ability off and on or deepen it, so it isn’t taking over your life. Learn how to construct psychic waiting rooms and extra protection.
Be initiated into Seeing beyond the Veil with a Shamanic Initiation Ceremony with Great White Spirit. Meet your Realm Gatekeepers. This program includes six two-hour classes.
Certifications Given: Shamanic Healing Channel, Â Advanced Master Trance Channel.
Prerequisite: Accelerated Advanced Channeling, Sound Waves Heal Master Level Psychic Reiki Healing