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Tag Selected : 5th dimension
Grounding With Gnomes And Nature Fae

Grounding With Gnomes And Nature Fae

Today we are getting help from the Gnomes and Nature Fae.

This is all about grounding, calling back your energy, and other techniques that will help to keep our energy clear during this time of ascension.

You should say these five things daily:

1) I call back all of my energy from every space, form, plane, extension, world, and portal to be cleared and returned to me and my oversoul.

2) I cut all energetic cords to me from and to others in this life and all others.

3) I disconnect from the earthly 3rd-dimensional matrix, and connect deeply and firmly, grounding into the 5th-dimensional earth grid.

4D and 5D Chakras, Plus A Channeled Message From Andromedan Being, Mombai

4D and 5D Chakras, Plus A Channeled Message From Andromedan Being, Mombai

4D and 5D Chakras, Plus A Channeled Message From Andromedan Being, Mombai

Do you know about our 4th and 5th-Dimensional Chakras? You likely know the 3rd Dimension Chakras: the Crown Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, the Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexis Chakras, the Sacral Chakra and the Root Chakra.

But our 5th Dimensional Chakras will open up for us as we get close to Ascension.

The 4th Dimension

Are You On The Right Path For Ascension?

Are You On The Right Path For Ascension?

Are you on the right path for Ascension?

My Spirit Guides & other High Vibe Helpers have been pretty clear about the fact that we have a choice of where we are going in the future. This isn’t just about the Law of Attraction. This is about 2 clear paths that each of us has to choose from: We can either live in fear of what we see as our coming reality, or we can choose an Ascension Path instead.

How are your thoughts about choosing your path?

In this video, I share some messages I have gotten from my Angels and Spirit Guides consistently for the past few months. We can choose this reality we see… years of lockdown, forced medical procedures, food scarcity, media controlled reality—the 3D Matrix—or we can focus on an Ascension Path toward the Golden Age that’s coming.

What is Ascension? What is the 5th Dimension?

What is Ascension? What is the 5th Dimension?

Have you ever wondered what it means when people talk about Ascension and the change from 3D to 5D living, or the 5th Dimension?

In this video and blog post, I’ll explain what these concepts—Ascension and 5D—mean and why it’s important for you to know your Spiritual Life Purpose.

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 4 – Phillea the Anshar

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 4 – Phillea the Anshar

Today, we are talking to Phillea, an Anshar who is a human or humanoid who comes from thousands of years in the future. She’s tall has pale skin and hair. Her eyes are big and her neck is long.

The ETs and Galactic Beings who I speak to are always so excited to work with us! They want to help us with the Ascension process and are interested in how we live our lives here on earth in the present moment.

Here is Phillea’s message for us:

I am Phillea and yes, we are the future of humans.
We are quite mixed though;
there are a few other ET DNAs added to the mix
of DNA that makes us.
This is not the same as the mix of ET DNAs that humans are now.
Of course, you have many alien DNA
You are manufactured—…

All about Blue Avians

All about Blue Avians

Today, I will be trance channeling Alaparabeam, the Blue Avian. Alaparabeam is one of my Daily Helpers and Spirit Guides. This Intergalactic Channeling Spree was actually HIS idea.

With Trance Channeling, I let the beings speak through me. This is actually something that I teach as well. (information at the bottom of the page)

Blue Avians resemble storks with blue feathers. They vibrate at a very high level or high dimension frequency.

Here is his message:
Hello and welcome.
Glad to see you here.
I know that if you are here,
you are interested in furthering your path
and readying yourself for Ascension.
This is the reason I have come to this planet…