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Tag Selected : psychic attachment
Full Guide to Understanding Psychic Implants

Full Guide to Understanding Psychic Implants

Today we’re talking all about psychic implants. We’ll cover topics like:

Are they 3D? Can you touch them or are they psychic/energy/from a different dimension?
What do psychic implants look like?
Why would you have a psychic implant and who would give one to you?
Why are they implanted?
How are psychic implants attached to a person’s energy field?
What do you do if you feel like you might have a psychic implant?
How can someone get rid of a psychic implant? Can you remove them?

Psychic implants are tiny hardware, devices, seeds, eggs, or implants in the etheric field or in your auric field.

Are psychic implants 3D? Can you see or touch them?

What are Psychic Attachments or Entities in Auras

What are Psychic Attachments or Entities in Auras

Psychic Attachment or Entities in Auras
Did you ever wonder if you might have a psychic attachment or an entity in your aura, feeding off of your energy?
Have you been guided to this article because you want to understand about entities or psychic attachments that can attach to your aura? These low-level entities can feed off your energy, depleting you, and make you feel like you are not yourself.

I see these attachments often. I used to think they weren’t real. But as a psychic healer, I have realized that they are all too real. Anyone can get them and especially Lightworkers and Empaths, because we are a bright light.