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What is a Spiritual Detox?

What is a Spiritual Detox?

What is a Spiritual Detox?
The short answer is that a spiritual detox is the process of releasing mental, emotional, physical, and energetic blocks before, during, or after a healing session. The long answer is that a healing session can occur during the inner work you are doing on your own— or it can be done with the help of a Reiki Master, Shaman or other type of multidimensional healer (link Shaman article).

When the physical body releases thought patterns or blocks of energy in the body, it must reassemble itself— so to speak— so that it can function without those blocks. That means that the body has learned how to cope with the block or pattern by creating an illness, dis-ease, mental and emotional strain. Now that this illness, dis-ease or strain has been removed, the body now has to figure out how to function or flow without that block there.

Everything you need to know about Reiki

Everything you need to know about Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is universal life force energy (rei = of the universe and ki = life force energy). It is a healing modality that helps to reduce stress and can be used to help people heal physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Reiki Healing Everyday Uses

Reiki Healing Everyday Uses

Reiki is a healing modality of light discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 20th Century. Though Dr. Usui discovered this method of channeled healing, he did not invent it.