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Tag Selected : Merlin
Meeting Merlin: The Staff

Meeting Merlin: The Staff

A Wizard Staff, It is not unusual for a wizard in lore to carry a magic wand, but the really cool ones—the aged and impressive ones—usually carry a staff. Since they are a peripatetic club, it serves as a walking stick. But at need, the wizard’s staff is an extension of his arm, amplifying the power of his intentions, and focusing energy toward the thing he is aiming at. 

Who has not gotten chills at Gandalf’s stand-off with the Balrog in Lord Of The Rings, hollering, “You shall not pass!” as he uses his enormous staff to bar the way? Or seen pictures of a wizard raising his staff against some structure or foe, zig-zags of lightning streaming out of its point?  In my mind, the staff is one of the essential tools of wizardry, but perhaps is an earned and prestigious gift; one which might be acquired by a demonstration of skill and mastery.

Meeting Merlin: The Book

Meeting Merlin: The Book

THE  BOOK,  Part 2 on My Adventures with Merlin, by April Lindevald April Lindevald speaks of her Wizard's Book, the...

My Adventures with Merlin: Meeting Merlin

My Adventures with Merlin: Meeting Merlin

I opened my eyes, realized I had drifted off, put the book aside, and turned over to shut off the light. Except that someone was standing next to my bed, solid as stone, and bigger than any normal person. He looked exactly like—well—a Wizard.

He was very tall, dressed simply in a nubbly grey wool robe, unbelted.  He held a gnarled staff, and went hatless, his thick tousled hair and beard a glowing white. Most startling were his pale blue eyes, regarding me with a light of pure love, unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. As I sat up and met his gaze, I felt naked, seen and known, humbled but cherished, and tears brimmed in my own eyes.