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Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 4 – Phillea the Anshar

Intergalactic Channeling Spree Day 4 – Phillea the Anshar

Today, we are talking to Phillea, an Anshar who is a human or humanoid who comes from thousands of years in the future. She’s tall has pale skin and hair. Her eyes are big and her neck is long.

The ETs and Galactic Beings who I speak to are always so excited to work with us! They want to help us with the Ascension process and are interested in how we live our lives here on earth in the present moment.

Here is Phillea’s message for us:

I am Phillea and yes, we are the future of humans.
We are quite mixed though;
there are a few other ET DNAs added to the mix
of DNA that makes us.
This is not the same as the mix of ET DNAs that humans are now.
Of course, you have many alien DNA
You are manufactured—…

Intergalactic Channeling Spree!

Intergalactic Channeling Spree!

When you channel like I do, you never know who is going to come knocking on your psychic door with a message for humanity!

This month I got the urge—or the nudge, really—to do 5 days of channeling Intergalactic Entities!

What is an Intergalactic Spirit or Entity?

As you know, we humans only inhabit a small dot in the entire Universe (a.k.a. the Earth), and our 3D senses can’t pick up on the 5D Spirits unless we’ve trained ourselves to be open to them.