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Tag Selected : blue avian
Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass

Blue Avians 6D Lightworker Grid Masterclass

This month, we are talking to the Blue Avians. The Blue Avians are talking to us about the 6th Dimensional Light Grid they’ve put around the planet to help us. This will help us by giving us a huge kickback of light that will help us connect with each other. Free Preview..

All about Blue Avians

All about Blue Avians

Today, I will be trance channeling Alaparabeam, the Blue Avian. Alaparabeam is one of my Daily Helpers and Spirit Guides. This Intergalactic Channeling Spree was actually HIS idea.

With Trance Channeling, I let the beings speak through me. This is actually something that I teach as well. (information at the bottom of the page)

Blue Avians resemble storks with blue feathers. They vibrate at a very high level or high dimension frequency.

Here is his message:
Hello and welcome.
Glad to see you here.
I know that if you are here,
you are interested in furthering your path
and readying yourself for Ascension.
This is the reason I have come to this planet…

Intergalactic Channeling Spree!

Intergalactic Channeling Spree!

When you channel like I do, you never know who is going to come knocking on your psychic door with a message for humanity!

This month I got the urge—or the nudge, really—to do 5 days of channeling Intergalactic Entities!

What is an Intergalactic Spirit or Entity?

As you know, we humans only inhabit a small dot in the entire Universe (a.k.a. the Earth), and our 3D senses can’t pick up on the 5D Spirits unless we’ve trained ourselves to be open to them.