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Tag Selected : Archangel Ariel
A Message from Archangel Ariel, My Master Teacher Guide

A Message from Archangel Ariel, My Master Teacher Guide

Archangel Ariel gave this message in my 1st Level Trance Channel Course on March 24th. Ariel is my Master Teacher. She also shows another human side of her, who is Ruth (Biblical).

But this channel is from Ariel in her Angel form.

I come to you now to tell you all
that a great day is coming
when your concerns of the earth will be over
and we will rejoice together.
In the coming of the new earth,
the meeting with Gaia
and the transition of your world
to a new vibrational height
where illusions and evil do not exist.
This is coming sooner than you think for
it will roll out in several stages
You have started the first stage…