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What Is A Starseed? How Do You Know if You Are a Starseed?

What Is A Starseed? How Do You Know if You Are a Starseed?

Lots of starseeds also feel like they just don’t fit in with other human beings.  They may be less talkative and more introspective than others, or they may just not connect with others unless it is at a deeper, rather than superficial, level.  Often they might be more introverted, intuitive, or possess psychic gifts, such as fully opened clairs— the main ones being clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, and clairaudience.  What many people don’t understand is that everyone is born with these abilities, but they are either forgotten— or not allowed to develop— due to society’s prevailing viewpoint that they are abnormal… or even completely false.